Isham Rath, born on the 2nd October 1996, is an Artist and Musician. He recently graduated from the Seychelles Advanced Level Studies with an A Level in Fine Art. Art and music are not only Rath’s passion but they are also in his blood as he comes from a family of artists.
“I wouldn’t say I was inspired to become an artist; I have just found myself wrapped up in colours and melodies; it’s just something that happened intuitively, spontaneously and as natural as a heartbeat. Art was within me before I held a pen, so if someone asks why do I make art; it’s the same as asking why do I breathe. It is a necessity for me to live.”  His greatest inspiration is his parents for they have been his support from the beginning.
Isham Rath is a young Seychellois artist whose visual work documents and chronicles his other main passion – music. His vivid and expressive compositions at times resemble those of the Futurists, who celebrated movement, speed and flight in the early years of the last century. Rath's disjointed and sharp renderings of musicians – some self-portraits – capture moments of creativity and fulfilment. He deploys a subtle palette with confidence and his drawings possess a frenetic energy.
His artwork varies from different technique and mediums that he believes is appropriate to what he is expressing. He also uses this concept in music, he believes that every single note ,rhythm and beat of the song should harmonize with your souls expression.  Having one foot in the art world and the other in music, Isham likes to think that every brush strokes are sounds through colors. So that makes his each and every artwork music itself.