Seychelles Fashion Week, happening from November 24th to December 2nd, 2023, is a rendezvous of the global fashion industry on this idyllic island. Drawing fashion aficionados worldwide, this week-long fashion fiesta celebrates the intersection of creativity, culture, and the distinct fusion of styles synonymous with Seychelles.

Held at a resort close to STORY Seychelles, the event revolves around the theme of the year, “Embracing the Allure”. Seychelles Fashion Week mirrors the scale and professionalism of fashion weeks hosted in major global cities, offering a platform for both local and international designers.

Seychelles Fashion Week serves to connect designers with retailers by facilitating potential distribution networks. It builds connections with boutiques globally, fostering relationships that promote the designers’ work and facilitate growth.

Seychelles Fashion Week is a testament to creativity and style, a celebration of cultural amalgamation, and a catalyst for growth and learning in the international fashion industry.