Jules Pusso Dugasse, aka Pusso, is a Seychellois musician who drew inspiration from his cousin, Nicholas Gallante, a Seychellois who achieved the number 1 spot on the UK Top 40 chart in the early 2000s. 

In his earlier days, Jules started his career as a rapper and wrote and performed a lot of English rap songs. He then started singing Creole songs and established himself as a Dancehall artist. Jules then joined up with a group of 3 other artists namely JDA (Julian Basset), M.V (Mikael Vidot) and Ti Boss (Anil Bacco) and formed the Louis Gang.
Together they won 3 local awards for the ‘Best Group, for 2 consecutive years and one for the ‘Best Collaboration.’ 

With his music career taking off on top of working an 8-4pm job, his passion for music led him to pursuing music full-time. However, after a decade in the music industry, Jules can easily be considered established artist.  

Pusso "Zis Bon" music video