The SS Gang was founded by Aujaque Spiro, when he was only sixteen years old. Now a duo consisting of Mr Spiro ( AKA “Mirifick” ) and fellow performer, Raphael Uzice also know as “Bigi Ranks”, the SS Gang have big dream of success.
SS Gang already collaborated with other artists renowned in the local scene, such as “Auspitious” and “Richie B” .
The SS Gang apires to “promoting creole music on a global stage.”

Now with several local hits under their belt including: “ Monn Anmoure , Dan Ton Lebra , I Oke , and Oun Detrir Li our last release in 2022. We choose a career in music because we have a passion for it.

The SS Gang considers their win of Paradise FM’s ‘Best Duo’ award to be their biggest success so far. 

SS Gang music video