Seychelles Cultural Foundation - Values and General Guidelines
Being aware of our social responsibility, we wish to establish a democratic, dynamic, creative, communication and interaction platform, dedicated to sharing sincere, intellectual and cultural exchanges, to further develop the fundamental goodness within human beings and adding a positive meaning to our existence.
The foundation of the Seychelles Cultural Foundation lies in the realization that beauty and qualities are in our uniqueness as well as in our similarities. Being aware that globalisation cannot be stopped, our aim is to cherish our differences and at the same time strengthen our intellectual and cultural commons.
We believe in equality, a commitment to others, a sincere caring and that every individual person should try to better understand, tolerate, respect and appreciate other cultural values, as long as these cultural values respect the freedom, the dignity and rights of every single living being. It is a continuous learning process to reject values that should no longer serve us and to replace these values with newly adopted values.
We do like to make clear that we wish to avoid any form of discrimination. We do appreciate freedom of speech and the freedom to present any artistic expression to any topic for everybody. However, we will always strongly express our disapproval of abuse of power and our disapproval of provoking hatred and violence.
Horizontal relationships, an open, honest and as sincere as possible visual and verbal communication, education, as well as sharing our values as part of transparent human interactions in every aspect of life, should lead to a better quality and meaningful existence for each and all of us.
To achieve a sustainable Seychelles, a peaceful sustainable world, the intellectual, environmental, social and cultural objectives have to be rebalanced with integrity, against our financial and economic interests. Creative and critical thinking, fostered by the arts and all other cultural activities, also play an important role if people are to maintain trust in the Seychelles, gaining trust in their own world.
Culture is a fundamental element for personal enrichment and development. We will support, enable and strengthen groups and individuals, to create cultural activities, to exchange ideas between Seychellois and others and thus creating an increased awareness about our origins, about our uniqueness, our existence; embracing our cultural commons and differences.
The Seychelles Cultural Foundation helps to create conditions to present artistic and creative practices, a process of learning and experiencing from all intellectual and cultural fields - visual arts, dance, performance, theatre, music, literature, architecture, etc. Intellectual and cultural interactions providing us with additional information to further develop and redefine our values.
Seychelles Cultural Foundation: Organisational Structure
The Seychelles Cultural Foundation is a Seychelles-based non-profit legal entity, self-sustainable but financially supported by the European Cultural Centre based in the Netherlands.
The Seychelles Cultural Foundation is continuously expanding its network, contacts and partners. The global sharing of resources, knowledge and contacts has to result in an increased international interaction and the creation of joined projects, as well as enabling people to participate worldwide in cultural activities such as exhibitions, education, creative projects, exchange of ideas and knowledge. In order to achieve our goals we continue to enlarge our international network of inspired, motivated, creative, idealistic and committed individuals.
The board of directors of the Seychelles Cultural Foundation contains 6 board members. Every five years, elections are held amongst all the Seychelles Cultural Foundation association members in order to decide who will serve on the board of directors. This voting may lead to the replacing of a maximum of 40% of the board of directors by other association members, who are a member for at least two years.