The first traditional Creole structures were designed and built by the 70 French Jacobins deported to the archipelago’s main island of Mahé in 1778 for supposedly plotting against Napoleon Bonaparte of France. Most of the houses were no more than 12 metres by 4 metres and were built of tropical timber, such as ‘Kapisen’, Casuarina and ‘Kalis Dipap’. It is estimated that 95 percent of buildings with such architecture are no longer standing.
The first buildings were made of carved coral, granite, wood and other local materials. They were of a port and strategic nature. From the records of the first settlers, it seems that the presence of master craftsmen was decisive in terms of architecture. Today, It is quite common to find houses in Seychelles painted with bright colors, often of the national flag: blue, yellow, red, white and green. The Seychellois houses have large openings to filter light and facilitate air circulation, helped by the particular Seychellois sloping roof.
Access to the gran kaz is usually via a shady, flower-filled driveway. The large house is set in the center of a pleasure garden. These remarkable residences are a reminder of the skills and talents of journeymen craftsmen. Once can note the beautiful parquet floors and ingenious roof ventilation system.
Some of the existing architecture that have been declared National Monuments include Kenwyn House from 1855 in Victoria and the the 'Grann Kaz' in La Digue.
Kenwyn House in Victoria is a listed national monument, but closed in 2023 for renovation. This magnificent mansion was built in 1855 as a doctor's residence and retains its original wooden structure. Its wooden balcony, built on the same model as the varangue it overlooks, contrasts beautifully with the green metal sheets of the roof.
The Icomos Seychelles Heritage Award
In an effort to preserve Seychellois Architectural Heritage, the country launched the The Icomos Seychelles Heritage Award.
The Award recognizes accomplishments, projects and efforts to promote conservation of Seychelles built and architectural heritage. The Award also recognizes restorations, rehabilitations, re-use of a building/property/structure of heritage value, which would have be completed during the preceding year of the award.